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Have you ever been dissatisfied with your smile or wanted a brighter set of pearly whites? Most people experience some level of tooth staining during the course of their lives. Tooth discoloration is caused by many different factors - genetics, dietary habits and age to name a few. Irrespective of the underlying cause, what we want our patients to know is that they do not need to settle for discolored teeth.

At Rex Medical Centre we offer our patients a wide variety of teeth whitening treatments that is sure to enhance the beauty of your smile and improve your confidence! Listed below are our teeth whitening treatments that have proven to be extremely popular with our patients :

  • Laser whitening - a simple and quick technique that involves the application of hydrogen peroxide gel on the teeth

  • Phillips Zoom whitening - the No.1 patient requested professional teeth whitening technique, backed by real results and recommended for patients who want dramatic results

  • Home whitening kit with customized trays

rex medical centre

The Rex World